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Press release 23 May, 2014:

The company, Kivistön Putkijäte Oy, owned by Vantaa city, has chosen MariMatic Oy as the supplier of the automatic waste collection system (AWCS) to be built in the new residential area of Kivistö in the city of Vantaa. The system construction has begun, and investments will continue in connection with regional development during 2014 – 2030.

MariMatic AB has received a new order in Sweden. MariMatic will deliver a turnkey project, including delivery and installation of the automatic solid waste collection system (AWCS) to the Valla city. The client is Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB.

MariMatic AB, received a new order in Västerås in Sweden. MariMatic will supply and install an automatic solid waste collection system (AWCS) in a newly built area of homes for elderly persons in the neighbourhood of Zethelius. The client is Peab Bostad AB in the Mälardalen region.

MariMatic Oy delivers a vacuum conveying system to Frøya in Norway for the biggest and most efficient salmon processing plant in the world.

The system will be installed and implemented in April 2014. The system will efficiently and hygienically collect and separate materials from the processing of 450 tonnes of salmons per day.

MariMatic OY has received an order from AEVS Niagara AB for a MetroTaifun AWCS for Vällingby Parkstad.

The order is for designing and building, as well as the operation of the stationary solid waste collection system for three waste fractions, consisting of waste inlets, an underground piping network and waste terminal equipment.

MariMatic is proud to deliver an Automatic Solid Waste Collection System (AWCS) as part of a bigger Tapiola shopping district renewal project.

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